Thanks for waiting! Espied is now available for self-hosted users too.
Category: Announcement
Espied, a new portfolio theme is now available on WordPress
I’ve been working on a new portfolio theme called Espied, and it’s now available on WordPress! Although I won’t be having a portfolio here, I switched to this theme anyway
We’ve just enabled a new cool feature — Portfolio on WordPress and Espied takes advantage of the feature. Check it out!
Demo site | Documentation
Ryu theme is now available for download on Extend.
Thanks for waiting, Ryu is now available for self-hosted users!
Time to change!
It’s time to renew my site! … but the reality is I’m designing and building it in limited free time after wrangling themes at Automattic and not so much time. There is nothing in portfolio section yet and many are still broken. So basically it’s under construction! So easy on me