
WordPress Design

wordpress WordPress Design

WordPress has earned its place as the number one content management system on the planet as it is so easy to use, customise and develop and as content management systems go its very search friendly out of the box.

Obviously the default installation of any content management system leaves you looking like everyone else so the key is to embrace the flexibility of and have your own WordPress theme designed.

When designing WordPress sites or themes for clients I use the latest WordPress techniques and ensure that they end up with an efficient, engaging website that is both optimised for Search engines and your target users.

WordPress Theme Customization

As well as building themes from scratch I can also adapt existing themes. For example there are literally thousands of free and paid for WordPress themes and one of these might be a close match to what you need. I will always point out if there is an existing theme close to the desired design that could be customised as there is no point reinventing the wheel and saving clients money usually generates repeat business.

WordPress Bespoke Theme Design

One drawback of using ready-made WordPress themes is that your website can look similar to other websites. If you want to avoid this it is best to go for the bespoke theme to your specific requirements. If I make your theme it will be 100% CSS/XHTML web standard compliant and will be fully optimised for search engines so your site will rank better.

WordPress as CMS (Content Management System)

WordPress started out as a web system for bloggers but today it is just as useful for Corporate looking sites for your business or magazine style content rich sites that would have only 3 years ago required costly bespoke Content Management System.

I am happy to undertake any type of project that you have, from WordPress tweaks though to full design and build of a new WordPress website or development of WordPress plugins for your existing site. Get in touch to discuss your needs…

or have a look my WordPress projects and blog posts about WordPress